Soft Computing Methods for the Design, Deployment, and Reliability of Networks and Network Applications

@WETICE 2018
Paris, France, June 27-29 2018

The widespread of the internet has given further opportunities for providing new services and web-based applications. However, such applications are often accompanied by a high complexity, and the number of standards, to which an application must follow, is rapidly increasing. Representing related problems as optimization problems will often not find an exact analytical solution anymore, and the need for advanced heuristic techniques becomes prevalent. Heuristic techniques provide a wealth of methods to handle tasks in complex application domains. Among such techniques we can find evolutionary computation, tabu search, simulated annealing, as well as many probabilistic, hybrid and ensemble approaches.

This workshop will focus on soft computing methods to tangent the needs of modern internet-based applications and their underlying networking layer. It is supposed to bring together researchers from different communities with the similar need, and to provide a base for scientific exchange of research ideas.

Topics of interest are, among others, soft computing methods for:

  1. Network design
  2. Handling networking problems by graph theory
  3. QoS/QoE solutions
  4. Modeling of network-based services
  5. Scaling of network
  6. Human-machine interface
  7. Digital convergence
  8. User modeling
  9. Network bottleneck identification
  10. Efficient content delivery schemes
  11. Service authentication and authorization schemes
  12. Service scheduling
  13. Network security
  14. Service and content retrieval and ranking
  15. Debugging of internet-based applications

Paper submission

The authors are invited to submit original papers of 6 pages maximum, including figures, tables and references. Formatted according to the IEEE template, which is available here. "work-in-progress" from Ph.D. students is welcomed.

All papers will be peer-reviewed by a minimum of three program committee members. The evaluation will be based on the relevance, originality, significance and quality of the papers. At least one author of each accepted paper must register and participate in the track. The accepted papers will be published in the post-conference proceedings (to be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press).

The paper submission procedure is carried out using the EasyChair conference management system;

Important Dates

  1. Submission deadline :(extended) March, 25, 2018
  2. Notification of acceptance : (extended) April, 18, 2018
  3. Camera ready and registration deadline: (extended) April, 23, 2018
  4. The 27th WETICE edition in Paris: June, 27-29, 2018

Track co-chairs

  1. Masato TSURU
    Kyushu Institute of Technology
    Department of Computer Science and Electronics
    680-4 Kawazu, Iizuka, Fukuoka 820-8502 Japan
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  2. Mario KOEPPEN
    Kyushu Institute of Technology
    Department of Computer Science and Electronics
    680-4 Kawazu, Iizuka, Fukuoka 820-8502 Japan
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Managing Chair:

  1. Brahim Benaissa
  2. Kyushu Institute of Technology

Technical Program Committee :

  1. Stuart ALLEN, Cardiff University, UK
  2. Sebastian BASTERRECH, VSB Ostrava, Czech Republic
  3. Christian BLUM, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Spain
  4. Ugo FIORE, Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy
  5. Akihiro FUJIHARA, Fukui University of Technology, Japan
  6. Hiroyoshi MIWA, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
  7. Dritan NACE, Universite de Technologie de Compiegne, France
  8. Kei OHNISHI, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
  9. Guenther RAIDL, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
  10. Layth SLIMAN, EFREI, Paris, Franceli>
  11. Masato UCHIDA, Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan
  12. Fatos XHAFA, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
  13. Kaori YOSHIDA, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
  14. Neng-Fa ZHOU, Brooklyn College the City University of New York, USA

If you have any questions, please send an email to: